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Region Creation and Manipulation

Create a region
Regions are user-specified areas of an element map. They are similar to phase maps but are specified geometrically rather than by elemental composition.

  1. To create a new region, select Action | New Region from the menu.

  2. A dialog box is displayed describing how to create a new region. First choose the shape of the region, either ellipse, polygon or rectangle.

  3. Select the area of interest on the currently displayed element map using the mouse. The exact process depends on the shape of the region.

  4. For an ellipse or rectangle region, put the mouse at one corner of the area of interest, click and hold the mouse button and then drag the mouse to the other corner of the area of interest. Release the mouse button to complete the region. The region is displayed as you move the mouse, and when the region is completed the pixels that lie outside of the region are displayed more faintly than before.

  5. For a polygon region, click the mouse button at each polygon point. Both the points and the lines between them are displayed. To close the polygon, either double-click the mouse button at the last point, or place the mouse over the first point, which will be displayed in yellow, and click the mouse button once. When the region is completed the pixels that lie outside of the region are displayed more faintly than before.

  6. Enter a name for the region in the ‘Create new region’ dialog box.

  7. Click OK in the ‘Create new region’ dialog box to add the new region. It will be listed in the Regions tab.

  8. When you are editing a new region, it is possible to switch to a different element (or ratio, cluster, etc) map in the normal manner.

  9. You can display a region by clicking on it in the Regions tab. The pixels included in the region are displayed in black.

Display element map using a region

  1. This is achieved in a similar way to displaying an element map using a phase map, but uses the Region dropdown box rather than the Phase dropdown box.

  2. It is possible to select both a phase map and a region, and the only pixels displayed will be those that are within both the phase map and the region.


© 2019 BY Matthew Loocke.



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