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Obtaining the QACD-quack Source Code


You can obtain the source QACD-quack source code by clicking on the GitHub icon, above, and following the below steps:

  1. Find the green button containing the text ‘Clone or download’. To the far left of this there is a button containing the text ‘Branch: master’. If it is something other than ‘master’, then click on the button to open a drop-down box and select master.

  2. Note that below the ‘Clone or download’ button there is some text like ‘Latest commit 407d1af Jun 16, 2018’. This indicates when the code was last changed, and a unique identifier for that change.

  3. Click on ‘Clone or download’, followed by ‘Download ZIP’.

  4. Save the zip file which will be called

  5. Unzip the zip file wherever you wish. Make a note of this directory as you will need it to run QACD-quack.

Follow the steps in the installation tutorial to setup the software and begin 'Quacking'.


© 2019 BY Matthew Loocke.



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